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My Daughter has been going here for over 2 years now and just loves it!
-Nichole S.
How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
When and where is our rehearsal/recital?Showtimes: Our recital will be held on June 10th, 2023. The showtimes include a 1:30 PM show and 4:30 PM Show. Please check the correct show times that your child is in. It will be posted to our website soon. Our Rehearsal: Our MANDATORY rehearsal will be held on June 9th. Times will be posted on our website and emailed to you. Please make sure that you arrive to your time(s) on time without being late. AGAIN this is MANDATORY to remain in recital! Where is recital and rehearsal? Our recital will be at Wheeler High School. Please enter through the main entrance and we will be there to guide you to your child's spot.
Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
Can I record my child's dance or take photos during the recital?NO! Mirror Image Dance Academy DOES NOT allow any type of recording or photography during any performances. WHY? Mirror Image Dance Academy can't control where independent pictures or videos end up and for the safety of our dancers, we ask that absolutely no photos or videos are taken. How can I watch the recital and get pictures? Mirror Image Dance Academy provides 1 free copy of our recital in the form of a DVD or digital download in which the family of the child can share with friends or watch. Photos will be taken by Michell Santellik Photography. More information is on the way.
How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
Can I watch my child perform during rehearsal?NO! For the safety of our dancers and a smooth rehearsal, we do not allow any parents to be in the auditorium or backstage during our rehearsal. There will be spots in the school where parent's can stay for the remainder of their child's rehearsal.
How can my child and I be successful?Be on time, relax, and make sure you have everything done. Ensure that you are at your rehearsal 15 minutes beforehand, at the recital 30 minutes beforehand and that they are show-ready upon arrival on both days (costumes on, correct tights and shoes). Checking your email and our website at will help you be successful.
How does picture week work?Here is what to do the week of pictures. Find the Correct Time(s) and Day(s) your child has pictures. Please don't be late. Even if you do not plan on purchasing any photos, showing up to your time and day prepared is required. BE PREPARED. PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING! -Correct Costume (includes any included accesseries) -Correct style of hair -Correct Shoes and Tights -NO jewlery, harsh make-up, nail polish 4. Pictures will be taken by Michell Santellik, a professional dance photographer. Prices, times, and more information will be provided soon.
How does Rehearsal work?Please arrive to Wheeler High School at least 15 minutes before your child's rehearsal time starts. It is very important to arrive to your rehearsal on time. Rehearsal is also NOT optional, every child must attend. Arrival: Please arrive 15 minutes before rehearsal time and enter through the main doors of Wheeler High School. From there, follow the signs towards the rehearsal area. From there, our staff will get all the kids together and bring them back for their rehearsal. You are not permitted backstage or in the auditorium. Please make sure your child is "show ready" upon arrival (correct costume and accessories, hair correct, correct shoes, tights) Please do not wear dance shoes outside. Picking-Up If your child does not have to stay for multiple hours, you MUST stay at the school so you can pick your child up. Each performance takes at most 10 minutes. Schedule and times will be emailed and posted on our website soon!!!!
Day of Recital InstructionsRecital Day is June 10th at both 1:30 PM and 4:30 PM. Arrival: Please arrive a half hour before (30 min.) When you arrive, please follow the signs to the "dancer check-in) which will begin a half hour before each show. Please have your child in their costume with their shoes (do not wear shoes outside), tights, hair done, and with any additional accesseries, they need to be "show ready" upon arrival. Where does my child go? Your child will be watched by Mirror Image Dance Academy during the show. Please do not worry, we have been doing this for over 20 years and if any issues occur, you will be contacted. When backstage they will be given fun crafts, movies, and toys to occupy them. What to bring? Please bring water, this is the only thing allowed in besides their costumes and needed items. If your child has any medical devices, they are permitted but please tell our staff prior to bringing it with your child. Where do I go? After dropping your child off, please head back up front by the auditorium doors. Doors will open a half hour before also. Please choose the correct ticket checking line by the doors (based off section) with your ticket in hand (digital or on paper). You will then find your seat. If you need to purchase additional tickets, you can purchase them at our recital for $20. Picking Up My Child: We require all children to stay at the show backstage the remainder of the show. Your child's class will be announced after the end of our show and you can pick them up from the stage. If they're 8 and older, you must pick them up from the dressing room hallway. You are not allowed backstage. If they are in a little angels class, they will be dismissed at intermission.
How Do I Purchase Tickets?On May 13th, 2023 @ 9:00AM ticket sales will go on sale. Please check for a link as well as your email. Tickets are seat oriented, which means that you have to choose a specific seat per ticket. Ticket sales will be online and offered in store also. If you want good seats, it is recommended you are on the look-out for the ticket link early. Tickets will be $16 each and will end on June 9th, 2023 at 10:00 PM. If you need to purchase additional tickets after sales close, you can purchase them at the door the day of our recital for $20. Cash and check sales only and they will also be seated tickets.

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